Friday, March 23, 2012


I came across this little video by Leslie Ludy tonight. I have seen/heard it before but  the message was so good to hear again., especially as God opens my eyes more and more to what true idolatry in our time really is. I pray that you will listen with an open heart, and that God will make plain to you what your idols are-even things that seem "normal" to everyone around you. Try not to compare yourself to anyone you know, just let Him search your heart and open your eyes to the things He wants to rid you of, so that He can take that place in your life! Its so hard to pry our cold fingers off the things we have clung to for so long, but I am convinced, as we follow His leading and rid ourselves of them, we can experience a freedom and joy that we didn't know existed...In Him. I pray that the Lord will shatter the illusion that is this world, with all its enticements and comforts, and that He will show you and me, that He is the only real Treasure and the only true Comfort, that will always satisfy our soul.